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Community Resources

This page will be updated regularly to reflect current resources available to Prospect Hill Terrace families.









  • Fun Brain - a website that offers games, puzzles, free online books, and math help

  • Khan Academy - a website with educational courses, help, and guidance to further understand a school subject

  • Crash Course - more than 32 courses on a wide variety of subjects, including organic chemistry, literature, world history, biology, philosophy, theater, ecology, and many more! 

  • Let's Get Ready - a program offered in Boston that focuses on helping teens with the college application process and their standardized tests like the SAT and ACT



  • Adult Education at WATCH - education, training, and leadership program for immigrants

  • edX - offers courses from 160 universities in many languages

  • Harvard Courses - offers free courses from Harvard University on a diverse range of subjects

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